Candidate Registration

Marketing Feature Development
Project overview
The project purpose was to increase registration by enabling Vettery's marketing team to create custom campaigns for job seeking candidates.  Currently, all candidates encounter a generic landing page when they reach Vettery, and only 9% register from there. Our hypothesis was that reaching candidates on a more personalized level would increase registration.
My contributions
As the sole designer on the project I handled everything from the initial discovery to the final designs and development support. I also managed the collaboration with our marketing team and gathered insights from an SEM consultant.
One size doesn't fit all

The Vettery marketing team runs hundreds of paid marketing campaigns to help candidates find our platform, but they don't have a way to customize the page they promoted. This is bad for the performance of the campaigns and is a poor candidate experience.

Raise registration rate
Increase registration rate of 9% by improving the relevancy of the marketing pages to candidates.
The marketing team needs to be able to run marketing experiments without waiting for engineering support.
Improve efficiency
The current Google Quality Score for our page is 3/10. This leads to higher prices for ad placements. By optimizing the content and performance we planned to improve our score and get better rates.

SEM research
Working with an SEM consultant and my product manager, I identified the key requirements needed for improving our quality score.
Faster page load speed (small size and quick delivery)
Page metrics
(bounce rate, exit rate, etc.)
Mobile friendliness
(no redirect, responsive interface)
Relevant content of reasonably length
(~400 words)
User Needs

I treated this project as having two sets of users: The Vettery marketing team, who needed a way to reach different groups of candidates, and the candidates, who needed to be convinced that Vettery was worth registering for. While it was up to the marketing team to create the custom campaign pages for candidates, I understood that creating hundreds of one-off campaign pages was a huge lift, and time-consuming for the team. Ultimately, it seemed like the team could benefit from a templatized approach to creating campaigns.

Campaign analysis

I wanted to assess the shortcomings of the current experience. I worked with the marketing director to gather insights around current campaign performance. I noticed that many of our top performing campaigns focused on relocating to a new city, using a new skill, or joining a startup. This information was missing from our current page so it seemed like a prime opportunity to include it.

Comparative Discovery

In drawing inspiration, I focused primarily on other marketplace businesses and collected a variety of examples from large and complex to small and simple. These became valuable tools for gathering feedback before I began designing.

Content categories

I wanted to understand the level of flexibility of the content that would go into the LP template, so I brainstormed content categories with the director of marketing. We sorted the content into two groups: "swappable" content that would be customized for each campaign, and "static" content that could be consistent across all the campaigns.

Designing the workflow

Given that our project goal to improve the efficiency and autonomy of landing page creation, it seemed that defining a clear and established workflow for the marketing team would be a key deliverable (alongside the template itself).

I facilitated a brainstorm with key stakeholders (marketing, engineering, product), during which we determined that the simplest, most accessible way for the marketing team to create new pages was by updating a shared spreadsheet.

Interface Design

Design system components

This project was a great opportunity to leverage the new Vettery design system that I worked on. As one of the first projects to use the system, the component library was still limited. The registration landing pages would only have access to the button, text, image, icon, and layout components.

Responsive banner

Given the project goal of increasing registration, the CTA for candidates to register felt like the highest priority component to explore. I designed a few approaches and tested them at different screen sizes and with different content, keeping an eye out for visual balance and hierarchy.

Content blocks

We needed a flexible way to share campaign-specific information. I looked back to my inspiration and found a content block on the Shopify landing page that could support the type of variation that our Marketing team needed for multiple campaigns. By swapping out the icon and the content, the same component could be used multiple times on a single page and support all the variation across our campaigns.

Final designs

I combined the banner and the content blocks into a final design. Both the clientele section and the "How Vettery Works" were based on the current design with adaptations to make them more responsive. Based on the page length I added a second CTA at the bottom of the page to reinforce the action that we want the candidate to take (register!).


My product manager and I worked together to break down the designs, giving labels to each piece of content and building a spreadsheet for the marketing team to populate the pages for their campaigns. We also worked with our engineering team to make sure that the pages were being populated and responding as intended.


857 Pages created

Within the first couple weeks the marketing team had created 857 pages are already being used in campaigns.

Increased registration rate by over 250%

The campaigns using the updated landing pages saw the registration rate increase from 2% to over 11%. This was a larger increase than any previous marketing update.

Decreased costs by 60%

The Google quality score of the new pages was improved 35 points which resulted in a 60% lower cost per register. Blowing our expectation out of the water!

Landing Pages
Brand Designer
Apr 2014 - Mar 2015
1 - Problems
Vettery's best candidates are the ones who come through paid marketing (google adwords). Currently Vettery promotes its home page in these campaigns but it's performance is very low. We set about creating pages that would help more candidates discover Vettery and make our paid marketing more efficient.

This was also used as a test case for some of our early components.
2 - Research
SEM research (consultant help)
- Topics
- Page length
Campaign performance research
- Targeting top performing
Competitive analysis
- Shopify etc
3 - Design Review 1
- goals
- collaboration with marketing
4 - Interface Design
- content blocks
- design system components
- Final designs
- Responsiveness
5 - Build Collaboration
- Interface breakdown
- collaborating on the responsiveness (black vs white curve, etc)
6 - Outcome
857 pages created
1 week ahead of schedule
$900,000+ a year in spend (growing year over year)
42% higher registration rate and a 27% lower cost per register